BLOOD CREEK is a finalist!

I am very pleased that my opening passage to BLOOD CREEK has been recognized and will be published by Sunspot Lit in the 2021 print edition, out in fall of next year.

Below is an excerpt from the finalist award notification:

We are pleased to inform you that your work reached the top judging level of the 2020 Inception contest, and was selected as a finalist.

Submissions that rose to this level demonstrated a mastery of skills, and are imbued with a quality that marks them as outliers.

Although the work did not win the prize, being named as a finalist is still an exceptional accomplishment. Over 600 entries were received this year.

Because of the submission's quality, we would love to publish it in our upcoming edition. 

I am very pleased with this recognition, and hope it continues to open doors to the eventual publishing of my novel BLOOD CREEK, which is my most prized piece of writing.